Support the cause

Contribute to the Democratic Caucus

Read below for information on how to support the Democratic Assembly Caucus:

Write check out to: NJ Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee

Mail check to: 266 Fernwood Ave, Edison, NJ 08837

NJ DACC is a Legislative Leadership Committee. Below are the contribution limits set forth by NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission (NJ ELEC) and available online:

  • Individuals can donate up to $79,000 per year
  • A corporation, union, association, or group can donate up to $79,000 per year
  • A candidate committee, political committee, continuing political committee, and national political party committee can donate up to $79,000 per year

OR online at the link below:

Contribution Limits

The NJ Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (DACC) is governed by the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC). If you have any questions about contribution limits and reporting, visit their site: